Practice Problems -- Alan Turing
Alan Turing 在 1950 年發表的論文 "COMPUTING MACHINERY AND INTELLIGENCE" 的第一頁內容,以下列何者來形容最適當?
A. Information Theory
B. Machine Learning
C. The Imitation Game
D. Neural Network
下列哪一句話最能描述 Alan Turing 在 1950 年發表的這篇論文 "COMPUTING MACHINERY AND INTELLIGENCE"?
A. Can machines think?
B. What is Artificial Intelligence?
C. Digital Computers
D. What is Turing Machine?
Alan Turing 在 1950 年發表的論文 "COMPUTING MACHINERY AND INTELLIGENCE" 的第一頁中,描述了一個三個人的 Game,請問下列何者不是這三個人之一?
A. a woman
B. a man
C. an interrogator
D. a child
Alan Turing 在 1950 年發表的論文 "COMPUTING MACHINERY AND INTELLIGENCE" 的第一頁中,描述了一個三個人的 Game,接著 Turing 提議以下列何者取代其中一人?
A. a machine
B. Lady Lovelace
C. a logician
D. a mathematician
Alan Turing 在 1950 年發表的 "COMPUTING MACHINERY AND INTELLIGENCE" 裡,以哪一句話來總結這篇論文?
A. I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans. And I am rooting for the machines.
B. We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.
C. Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine.
D. A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human.
下列何者對 Alan Turing 的描述有誤?
A. Alan Turing 是一個 Logician
B. Alan Turing 獲得 Computer Science 的 PhD
C. Alan Turing 曾經研究過生物學 (Biology)
D. Alan Turing 是一個 cryptographer
二次大戰期間,Alan Turing 為破解德軍密碼,曾經工作的地點是在何處?
A. University of Manchester
B. Princeton University
C. National Physical Laboratory (NPL).
D. Bletchley Park
二戰期間,Alan Turing 破解了德軍密碼,請問德軍的密碼機稱為?
A. Enigma
B. Bombe
C. Turing Machine
D. ACE (Automatic Computing Engine)
Alan Turing 在 1954 年吃了一口蘋果去世,請問蘋果中有何有毒成分?
A. Parathion
B. Cyanide
C. Alcohol
D. Arsenic trioxide
下列對 Alan Turing 的描述何者錯誤?
A. Alan Turing 是英國人,一生從未離開英國
B. Alan Turing 是一位長跑健將
C. Alonzo Church 是 Alan Turing 的老師
D. Alan Turing 曾參加 Ludwig Wittgenstein 的課